More painted brick!?! Definitely! This place got a modern update with some neutral grey tones (Acier SW 9170), and a killer front door accent (Riverway SW 6222). We. Love. It. ??? • #bnkpainting #paintidaho #wedocoolstuff #acier #riverway #paintedbrick #modernexterior #idaho contractors

More painted brick!?! Definitely! This place got a modern update with some neutral grey tones (Acier SW 9170), and a killer front door accent (Riverway SW 6222). We. Love. It. ??? • #bnkpainting…

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That door is RED ?. While SW 6869 may be called “Stop”, I think it gives some good “welcome home” vibes. ? • #bnkpaintjng #paintidaho #wedocoolstuff #sw6869 #stop #frontdoor #frontdoorideas #reddoor

That door is RED ?. While SW 6869 may be called "Stop", I think it gives some good "welcome home" vibes. ? • #bnkpaintjng #paintidaho #wedocoolstuff #sw6869 #stop #frontdoor #frontdoorideas……

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Black house. Grey soffit accents. We. Love. It. ⚫️⚫️⚫️ #bnkpainting #paintidaho #wedocoolstuff #blackhouse #design #exteriordesign #idahobuilder #idahopainter

Black house. Grey soffit accents. We. Love. It. ⚫️⚫️⚫️ #bnkpainting #paintidaho #wedocoolstuff #blackhouse #design #exteriordesign #idahobuilder #idahopainter

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Bringing some beauty back to this ironwood deck! #bnkpainting #paintidaho #ironwood #tamarackresort #cabinlife #oilstain

Bringing some beauty back to this ironwood deck! #bnkpainting #paintidaho #ironwood #tamarackresort #cabinlife #oilstain

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Looks what we found hiding!! #bnkpainting #paintidaho #deckrefinishing #decklife #deckrestoration

Looks what we found hiding!! #bnkpainting #paintidaho #deckrefinishing #decklife #deckrestoration

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Sick of that brick color? We can help you fix that. Swipe ➡️ to check out the before! • #bnkpainting #paintidaho #stainedbrick #houseideas #brickideas #brickhouse #boise #idaho #eastboise

Sick of that brick color? We can help you fix that. Swipe ➡️ to check out the before! • #bnkpainting #paintidaho #stainedbrick #houseideas #brickideas #brickhouse #boise #idaho #eastboise

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