⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “B&K did a phenomenal job on an interior painting project of mine. As it happens, there were some delays on the project ahead of mine – Lyshelle was proactive in her communication and gave frequent status updates. Zach and the team that were doing the painting were also phenomenal. Great communication and a job well done! I’ll definitely reach out to B&K for future painting projects.” -Jackson Waste
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interior designCabinet Colorscabinet repaintsInterior Painting
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Our family loved b&k! They painted the interior of our house. They had so much patience with me and our three kids and worked around us so we could stay in our home while they painted. Everyone in this company is so nice, I even did a color change in the the beginning and they never rolled their eyes and were very understanding about it. John the owner came out twice to help with picking paint colors, Lyshelle who coordinates everything is the sweetest, Zach the project manager is very nice and won’t leave the job done until it’s perfect, and Matt the lead does an amazing job at painting and one of the nicest people I’ve met. I can’t say enough about this company and will always highly recommend them.” -Colleen Nettleton ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Misc Painting InfoInteriorcolorscommercial paintinginterior designExterior PaintingCabinet Colorscabinet repaintsInterior Painting
✨ Here at B&K Painting we pride ourselves in having excellent customer service. We know that getting your home painted can be a stressful process, and our goal is to ease that stress by following our systems to insure your project runs as smoothly as possible. Our office teams up nicely with our project managers to make sure that you are informed, heard, and taken care of every step of the way. Let us help make your life easier and make your home a place you enjoy unwinding at the end of a long day! Call us today for an estimate! ✨
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Color TipsInteriorcolorsinterior designInterior Painting
✨ We just finished painting this atrium brick floor and are stunned with the results! 🤩 The client chose Sherwin Williams Dover White to transform their brick floors for a more modern look to suite their taste. 🤍🤍🤍 This was a long process, but the hard work paid off! Click here to see for yourself! ✨
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UncategorizedInteriorcolorsinterior designExterior PaintingCabinet ColorsInterior Painting
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “The team at B&K was professional from bid, scheduling & a finish product. We felt very comfortable with the crew in our home & they cleaned up at the end of each day which made the job bearable when painting several rooms. Highly recommend them.” -Chris Pearson
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BusinessInteriorcolorsinterior designCabinet Colorscabinet repaintsInterior Painting
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lyshelle and team were awesome! Competitive pricing for value and quality. B&K was flexible and responsive and addressed all our needs and concerns with high attention to detail and requirements. Would strongly recommend engaging B&K for all future projects. -Dion Eusepi
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