QUESTION: I am going to be painting our kitchen cabinets with SW pro classic semi gloss paint. I know you use RAC X FF 210 or 310 tips for trim and furniture. I am reading that the Proclassic needs a minimum tip of .017. I have not used an airless yet but have used HVLPs. The airless sprayer is Graco ProX9 7/8 hp 3000 psi and can handle .019 tips. Can I use a 310 Ff tip with this machine without needing to thin the paint with Flotrol, ect. I am getting various opinions and wanted to ask the expert. I am trying to get a “smooth as glass” finish.
ANSWER: I never pay attention to what the cans say cause they are usually wrong. I spray ProClassic often. As with all paints, I never thin any of them. I use a 210 or 310 with ProClassic on cabinets and always get a very fine finish. Now of course an HVLP with give a finer finish but I would not even own one cause of the inconvenience. The finish I have always gotten from an airless sprayer has been excellent. Your sprayer will work just fine.