can you show us what a quote of yours looks like? like how you set it up and describe the scope of works is something im really interested in! I use Paypal once paid $150, two PDF files are sent. One is the bid and the second is a bid package.

My bid package can be customized just for your business. The capture rate using my bid package is extremely high. If you see the package you would see why. I have a crew of 5 and we painted 4-5 houses a week this summer. The package contains over 20 pages including resume, pictures of employees, references, why choose us, project description, products we use, and much more. I cannot give out to much for free cause then what’s the point. Believe me, it will significantly increase your business. I have two college degrees and understand marketing very well. It is a document that has taken 8 years and is still constantly modified. My crew, 4 guys and me have done over 500K this year. I attribute getting the majority of the bids to the package as I do most bids online and do not even meet the customer anymore. The value of the package to your business is worth thousands but you will only understand this if you have a firm grip on marketing and wanting to increase your business. I am only offering this to help my viewers out. Not to get rich.